
& Company

Toby Click to see Toby's Profile

Theo Click to see Theo's Profile

Calloway Click to see Calloway's Profile

Wyn Click to see Wyn's Profile!

Arcanavist Click to see Arc's Profile!

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Site Updates. Weather in Static Space: Empty Skies. Next full moon: December 15th.

Task List

11/26 momentarily me! Getting us some direction figured out for the others to follow.

11/26 front locked for a few days, been working at website.

11/22 I completely reorganized our neocities dashboard.

11/22 I made more progress on our TTRPG token commission.

Complete TTRPG token commission

Plan for next pathfinder 2e arc

Add more games to website

Theo's page

Wyn's page

Expand content on all pages

About Me //
badge: pansexual and bisexual
badge: polyamorous
badge: partnered
badge: Autism and ADHD
badge: Dungeon Master
badge: Other-kin
badge: Disassociative
badge: System

I love the old-school vibe of the term bisexual, and I especially like its origins in describing someone as having a blend of male and female traits. I just don't prefer people for their appearence primarily and I believe in actively giving people the space to change from my expectations. I care so much more about a deep connection with someone. I've had surface level crushes on a spectrum of genders, but personality, compatibility and an interest in me matters a lot more. I can and do still experience surface level attaction (especially when an actively allo member of the system fronts) I just find intimacy without secure emotional connection personally unappealing. My headmates have varying feelings, some of us are more into one side of the gender spectrum then the other but we're all at least somewhat bisexual.

My partner and I are highschool sweethearts! We've been together through a lot, he's stayed by my side through a lot of self-discoveries and I've stayed by his side through his career twists and education needs. He's my best friend. I admittedly don't have experience expressing the polyamorous part of me outside of games that include it or allow me to mod it in. I'm more interested in closed poly relationship structures with mindfulness towards making everyone feel equally important to the relationship as a whole. I'd personally like to be part of a mostly closed throuple.

So obviously I love sonic the hedgehog.

I run TTRPGs with a focus on videogame mechanics and roleplaying. Currently running pathfinder 2e, and Animon Story! Toby is the voice of our game mastering because he's more capable of thinking on the spot and reacting

I feel like this is one of those things people expect a lot of justification for and I just don't have it. I feel like a creature, not a person. I've always identified as some kind of demon primarily. I feel the weight of horns, the ghost of a demon's tail, I feel my ears twitch, I run on hooves. Wearing anything that makes me feel like I have those things on the physical plane gives me euphoria.

This whole website is a tool to explore these concepts as a whole for me. I've had it as and used it as a tool to either fill in loneliness or cope with life since as long as I can remember. A lot of this was expressed through art, writing, and roleplaying from a young age. Furthermore, my family is also very 'transliminal', and I'd grown up having transliminal experiences normalized to me. I've used the term indigo child to decribe my childhood experience before. My mom will tell you I talked to the walls, that I had a lot of imaginary friends, and that I did magical things like declare the auras of newborns, and predict the future. I'm not bitter about this experience anymore, but I do think the term fits well.

Transliminal means a hypersensitivity to psychological materials.

The Sethian Gnostics believed that one could know the divine realm should they practice growing their inner spiritual power. The world gnostic itself means 'To Know' - to know spirituality. They believed our earth to be a prison, created by an imperfect and cruel creature called the demiurge, and that our true home was in the celestial plane beside the gods. This is our personal realm, representative of our inner world. Its inhabited by creatures, lovers, headmates, peoples, crystals and forgotten things.

"Learn to dream with your eyes open, and you wont have to be asleep to dream. You'll be able to make anything happen, at any time." - Sharkboy and Lavagirl, June 10th 2005

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